In this sequel to The Boyfriend List,  Ruby Oliver confronts:

the secret about Noel, 
mysterious notes from Jackson,
the interpretation of boy-speak, 
the villainy of Cricket, 
the horrors of the school retreat, 
and the exploitation of hooters everywhere. 
There are fruit roll-ups. 
There is upper-regioning. 
There are so many boys to choose from! 

And there are penguins.  



[Ruby’s] character’s strength stems from her earnest search for identity through introspection, sexual experimentation, therapy, and the formation and rehabbing of new and old friendships. Refreshingly honest.
— Kirkus
There are some books that are so good you read them cover to cover without stopping. The kind that can interrupt a weekend to such an extent that it’s mid afternoon before you realise you’ve not yet got dressed or washed your face or done any of the other things you would normally do straight after breakfast if you hadn’t instead picked up said paperback.The Boy Book is, needless to say, one of these books.
— The Bookbag, UK
Each chapter begins with an excerpt from ‘The Boy Book’ which is hilarious…Ruby’s overanalytical, fast-paced and authentic narration will win over new devotees, while her loyal fans will no doubt hope for more.
— Publishers Weekly, starred review
The story is both humorous and witty, and the language is realistically raw. Sections such as “The Care and Ownership of Boobs” are particularly funny.
— School Library Journal
Lockhart achieves the perfect balance of self-deprecating humor and self-pity in Ruby, and thus imbues her with such realism she seems to fly off the page.